Rebecca became famous for her YouTube music video, Friday. She did not write the song. ARK Music Factory did. I'm not sure whats worse... a company of label executives writing this song about an impatient 13 year old...or that the 13 year old did not write it. Her parents paid $4000.00 to have the video produced.
The video became an instant hit as one of the worst songs ever written. The number of views and haters on this video grew the longer it stayed up. The video is no longer posted due to copy wright issues, but its still available on some YouTube channels.
In this society today, its very easy to become an Internet sensation. Post a a video that's funny(cats), cruel (people getting hurt) or if you have actual talent, and you instantly gain notoriety. Maybe Rebecca really thinks she has a great voice! Who cares though? Her video would not have been as successful if she had a good voice, the humor of the video is the horrible vocals.
So perhaps she had the right idea! Post a low budget music video on YouTube and watch the views climb. There will obvious be haters but that won't matter. Since the video Rebecca has been interviewed by numerous media moguls such as Jay Leno. She was interviewed by The Sun, Teen Vogue( and many other magazines and newspapers. Her song has been performed on Glee, a show that reaches millions of teens and adults all over the world. Recently she appeared in Katy Perry's music video Last Friday Night.( She just keeps getting famous! She didn't burn out after her fifteen minutes of fame, shes been around a lot longer then most Internet sensations (Where is light saber boy now?)
I think our society has became a lot more clever. Posting video of you singing a song with your amazing vocals are people will notice. ( Posting a video of you screeching along to a terrible song, people will DEFINITELY notice. Maybe we're all messed up and love seeing people fail, but Internet sensations know whats what. The way to instant fame is embarrassment and failure.
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