I believe that summer blockbusters are legitimate entertainment. They do not get enough credit for the work put into them. The extreme and special effects are great!!! What is wrong with advanced film technology? It should be shown and appreciated and summer is a great time for that.
People believe that summer blockbusters are targeted for the "lowest common denominator" audience. The claim that they have no artistic merit is nuts. The effects in Inception, for example, are amazing. The way that they weave the effects into such a complex plot and still make it understandable is very admirable. I don’t think that people should claim summer blockbusters are not artistic. Not every summer blockbuster is going to be artistic, some will just be stupid! But, the work and creativity put into some these movies deserve artistic merit.
Summer blockbusters are made to make money. But what is wrong with that? The film industry creates films to make money. People shouldn’t put down a film if its making mad money. Perhaps they’re jealous.
There are three summer blockbusters I looked at from 2009 and 2010. Harry Potter and the half blood prince, Inception and Inglorious Basterds. These were all successful summer blockbusters. All three of these movies have fantastic effects and editing skills, which I classify as artistic. All were well received, receiving awards and large sums of money.
Inception, for example, has some of the best special effects I’ve seen. Like I said before, I think the way that they incorporated the effects into the plot, that is already hard to understand, is talent! To say that summer blockbusters are directed at the LCD audience is to say that an idiot can understand inception? I don’t think so.

Inglorious Basterds directed by Quentin Tarantino was extremely entertaining with an INSANELY talented cast!! (Christopher Waltz, Diane Kruger, Melanie Laurent...Brad Pitt). An alternate world war II ending is also pretty cool.

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince would have been successful with or without the special effects, because of the hype. The effects added to the movie.Without a doubt this movie was going to be successful in the box office, there were five other movies in the series to prove that.

I believe that summer blockbusters are overall, great movies. They should not receive prejudice about lacking artistic merit, they can be very creative and artistic. LCD audience is ridiculous and people will still go and see a movie, even if it is meant for "dumb" people. Which is going to mean money. That seems to me to be a pretty successful movie! I think that summer blockbusters are just going to become more advanced and well received films as time goes by and expectations of the film industry change.