The film genre I chose was Bromance. The three movie clips I chose, that best exemplify this genre,
are from the following movies; The Hangover,40 year old virgin and I love you, man. The genre has been around for the past couple decades, but movies showing a group of buddies trying to have a good time have been around for much longer than that. (1978, Animal House). Its popularity is huge presently, many movies now feature a Bromance relationship. How is Bromance evolving? A different kind of Bromance, one with a female mind set, has been in demand. The upcoming movie, Bridesmaids, seems to be the first of many.
There are quite a few important people who have contributed to the genre. The father of Bromance may just be Judd Apatow. This producer, director and screenwriter has a long past in comedy, stemming from The Cable Guy and Freaks and Geeks to more recent movies such as; Anchorman: The legend of Ron Burgundy, Talladega Knights, Knocked Up, Superbad, Pineapple Express, Get Him To The Greek… the list goes on and on. Apatow continues to produce comedy gold, many of his movies producing the most memorable Bromances.
Other influential people of the genre are many of the movies starring actors. Seth Rogen, Will Ferrel, Jason Segal, Paul Rudd, John C. Reilly, Jim Carrey, Andy Samberg, Adam Sandler, etc. Male leads aren’t the only comedic roles given, many female actors lend their humor. Mary Steenburgen, Kathryn Hahn, Rashida Jones, etc.
Movies under the film genre Bromance all have a similar thematic set up. They are usually light hearted, with a few touching moments. There is most commonly a male character, usually the lead, who is sad or run down. The goal of the character is usually determined within the first ten minutes. This creates the plot of the movie, how will he reach his goal? Most revolve around him proving himself as a man (getting the girl, finding a best friend, losing his virginity, Bros before hoes) or getting himself out of trouble (lost groom in Vegas). Drugs and alcohol are avidly used. Sex is also a big part. There will usually be an opposing male who is more tan, buff and egotistical then the main male lead.
All types of the usual camera angles and directions are seen in Bromances. They filming does not usually move away from the norm, there are not too many "artistic" shots. The music chosen for the soundtrack is catchy, top hit songs, usually popular around the time of release. The actors chosen for this film are often actors starring in this genre or comedy. There is usually the less manly main character, the "Macho" opposing male lead and the girl they fight to win over. The main character will have a close group of guy friends who help him with his conquests during the duration of the film, all while becoming more best of friends. There may be a situation that tests the Bromance, but it will always work out.
I think the filmmaker made this film because he’s passionate about the cause. Through out the movie you see his views and thoughts on copyright. He features artists that he admires for their talents and abilities(Girltalk, Dan O'neill, Disney cartoonist), even though they are technically “criminals”. I think he created this film so that people could see the real side of illegal downloading. He shows that people AREN'T downloading to spite the artist, or steal their creativity, people enjoy the music! They want to be able to listen to that artist, tell their friends about that band. They just don’t want to pay for it. There are artists out there who are creating great new music by using music from other artists, that isn't theirs. I agree with the filmmaker. I don’t think you should have to pay for online music downloads, if you use it respectively. (Crediting artists, don't re sell it).
Dan O'Neill
I think that it is extremely hard to create a documentary WITHOUT a bias. I think it is okay to have bias. To have one film that shows a topic with a strong bias, then another with the opposing bias, creates balance. I think you need to see both sides of the topic before you can fairly make your choices or decisions based on it. I think that this film did a good job showing the opposing bias. By talking to the woman at the copyright office, asking kids if they download and explaining what exactly they’re doing, the Metallica jerk…I think that they accurately showed both sides of the topic.
After seeing RIP! A Remix Manifesto, I agree with the filmmaker’s views on copyrights and downloading. I think that music and other types of media should be available to others, free of cost. There will always be the option of paying for it or downloading it for free, and I will almost always download it for free. I think that there is nothing wrong with taking an artist’s song and creating something new with it; as long as you credit them. By crediting them, you’re just building onto their creativity. That is how new music is created, by building onto past work! I would be okay if someone took my work and altered it, but I would want credit. I think that it would be incredibly unfair if Glee told vs.
everyone they wrote “Don’t Stop Believing”. They never took credit for writing that song, but some people believe they did. I think that that is just something that has to be dealt with when altering music.
I really enjoyed the documentary. I think that the argument was constructed extremely well. They showed their opinions strongly, with lots of explanations and examples. They we’re mature while showing the opposing view, giving them a chance to make their point. some people believe they did. I think that that is just something that has to be dealt with when altering music. I think that this is a huge battle, the artists aren't the only ones suffering. The documentary talked about Jammie Thomas, the single mom being charged $220 000 for illegal downloads.( I think that by educating people on this war, they are now more insightful when making decisions.